
Gold & Elixir

Gold and Elixir are the two main resources in the game you need to buy things and progress.
Upgrading your gold and elixir collectors is very important.
When you first start the game you should upgrade your Gold and Elixir collectors to the highest level possible, then storage and defensive units before the attacking units.

I constantly have one of my three builders always upgrading one of these, i'm currently level 48 and all 6 of my gold and elixir collectors are 11, which really helps, although it still not may be enough as the upgrades begin to cost millions so why not try farming.

Farming is a great way of gaining resources quickly. As upgrades become more expensive (and also take longer to complete) as you get into the higher levels farming is a great way to gain the resources needed quickly (as long as your clan don't mind you dropping trophies)

I learned about farming from Simon Tay on youtube who has some excellent strategy's on his youtube channel (

Another good thing about farming is that because you are a high level with a low trophy count, attackers will usually not attack you as they are a much lower level than you, allowing you to keep your resources instead of constantly losing them to attackers.

Clan Wars

The Clan Wars update has really boosted gold earning potential with the loot bonus you can get from winning a war.

Ideally you need to earn as many stars as possible for your clan to win the war, and winning the war is more profitable than losing regardless, But I have been getting 500k gold and elixir per war and my clan has only lost 1 war so far.

How I usually tend to go about it is to (usually) 3 star somebody with a loot reward of about 130-170k and then make sure that the war is going to be won before attacking the highest level opponent with the most easily defeatable town hall to get one star and get the loot bonus, even if somebody else had already attacked them before.

Example of a base with a 345k loot reward and a town hall easily defeatable.

this war I earned 520k loot bonus in my clan castle.

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